11:23 p.m.
Return of the mack!

Thank GOD I'm back in Lexington. That's all I can even think. I have no idea what happened to me last night. I swear I almost drove off the road on the way home from my grandma's house because I was extremely lightheaded and shaky, and I couldn't even form a coherent thought to save my life.

I have determined that Ft. Thomas is now being run by inbred geriatric sloths. Apparently the tree in the famous "park" in the fort was only there for Christmas. Now, it's a plant.

Nothing says "park" to me quite like a couple of benches surrounding a small plant.

What the hell is going on?

I've been feeling some sort of "s" word lately., I dunno. Fucking hungry, but that's not an "s" word. Now that I'm back from the fort I can no longer mooch food off of the 'rents. And I would cook for myself, but I'm out of food.

And I don't want to go to the store.

Maybe I'm not feeling an "s" word at all. Maybe the word I'm looking for is "apathetic."

My grandpa went back to the emergency room today. Last night we found a large growth in his stomach that was really hard and gross. Sorry, this portion of my entry should've been preceeded with a disclaimer. Anyway, he got up to go to the bathroom this morning and fell down and my grandma couldn't get him back up on his feet, so she called the life squad. They don't know what's wrong with him.

And that concludes the depressing section of the entry, kids.

BUT, I found fishnets today AND these awesome boots, and, and, and, and, AND, they were only 5 bucks! God, I rock it so hardcore.

Okay, my mom does. She found them. She rocks it hardcore.

And now it's back to stupidity and boredom as usual in the apartment.

I don't understand why Casey is being so stubborn - everyone should want to come over and put away my laundry while I go to bed...right?

Works for me!

I'm off to bed. I'm determined to go to Criminology if it kills me.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23