4:23 p.m.
Weird dreams, weirder outfits.

I skipped Deviance today! Whee! Sorry, Willy, for leaving you alone with Chewy.

Actually, I was waiting to hear back from my mom about my grandpa.

Although I did go to Criminology. Yay!

Okay, I had the world's weirdest dream. First of all, I dreamt that I was smoking a huge joint and then I just went apeshit - I was working in construction. And the foreman got mad at me and put me in detention (?) and there I ran into a bunch of friends from high school, one of which was having a very torrid love affair with his own sister.

And then David Hyde Pierce was giving me oral sex and kept stuffing tissue paper all up in me, telling me that was the way you do it.

I have NO idea what that was all about.

The people who write my horoscope are officially insane. Must be going around. The whole thing was about me being a snail and being eaten by a chicken.

I don't know either.

I feel like I've already accomplished something. It's weird how a trip to the grocery store can do that. I bought soap (on sale!) and Peeps for Gina again, and a bottle opener, and a good smelling candle for my room. Now it smells like a lovely mixture of my perf and "Sweet Nothings."

And I put my costume on for Gina last night. She laughed and told me I needed to lose the fishnets. I told her they added that touch of tackiness I was looking for.

Her response: "Well, it certainly is tacky."

Good, then my job is done!

And with that, I'm off.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23