10:12 p.m.
Backsliding slowly...please help.

This is your warning: this entry is complete overshare.

I dunno. I was truckin' along just fine on this stupid 40/40 thing. I hadn't even thought about it in a good week, seriously. And for me that's a big deal. Yup.

I guess it could be related to the chorus of multiple aardvarking I witnessed last night. Whatever it is, all day I've had to nearly sit on my hands to keep them from wandering.

Unfortunately Casey won't let me have the night off. Apparently the whole idea is to go 40/40, not "30/30, then 10/10," as he puts it.

And why the hell not? It should be.

I'm completely sleepy. I was gonna nap but Gina and I were having a stimulating discussion about something. I don't know, I wasn't paying attention. I need to start listening to people when they talk to me.

Although Casey has offered to downgrade it to a case instead of a keg if I lose, which is tempting...

NO! Must keep hands busy.

I've gained 3 pounds since this thing started. All I have to say is, lock your doors on April 3rd.

I'm not safe anymore.

I need like a no masturbation support group. People should call me up daily and make disgusting moises and such. Or, or, or, or! I've got it! Somebody can come by my apartment and fart directly in my face - that will put me right off for a good hour.

I'm really half-tempted to drive back and forth across railroad tracks all night. Or run around naked.

Also, for the time being, please refrain from using words like "hard," "penal," or basically anything that could remotely be connected to sex. Because I may bite my fingers off in a minute...I can't handle this...

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23