2:11 a.m.
Happy Birthday, Becky!

Big ups to my girl, Becky! Happy Birthday! I cannot wait to go out with you tomorrow (later tonight??)! Fun stew!

I have been informed of the possibility of karaoke tomorrow night at A1A. Although I am mildly apprehensive at the thought of returning to the place where I fell flat on my face on the dance floor and spilled LIT all in my hair, karaoke would more than make up for the shitty time I had last time!

And the drag show at The Bar...does life get any better than drag queens? I submit that it does not!

There will again be no sleeping for me this evening, although, thankfully, this time it won't have anything to do with people getting sex (fuckers. damn them.). No, tonight is the night when I am once again treated to Kylie Minogue on repeat. Whee!

Becky and I saw "Sorority Boys" tonight. Hilariousness! Damn, it was funny! Especially when the boys were fighting with dildos. And can I just say that I WISH a fraternity would've shot dildos at MY sorority house? That could have saved me so much money!

There certainly was an amount of truth to one section of the movie - flag football.

I am going to share with you all how wonderful (insert sarcasm here) flag football is when you play against other sororities. First of all, those damn CERES girls are bruts. I swear to God one of them growled at me. Second, the tri-delts? Yeah, you would think they're an easy win, but they are keeping some large ogre-esque girls in their basements that they only whip out for greek functions.

Fortunately for me, all of my fingernails grew back.

Becky helped me shop for some great stuff for my costume tonight! (But I'm afraid I'm gonna just say no to the rhinestone cowboy hat. Nobody is ready for that jelly). I bought THE most kick-ass bracelet. And when I say "kick-ass" I really mean it. You just have to see it, that's all.

Also, something really odd happened to me today. A couple of years ago, my right eye would go blind for about 10 minutes and then everything would be fine, but it hadn't happened in a LONG time. Well, today, I was sitting here at my computer checking my mail after class, and can you believe it? It happened again. It wouldn't bother me so much, but sometimes it would happen when I was driving, and depth perception is usually a good thing on the road.

So let's hope it goes away. The problem, that is, not the vision in my right eye.


Maybe I could start wearing a patch. Then I really would look like a pirate! Yar, matey! Chips ahoy! Lets plunder and pillage and look for booty!

I'm going to bed. Even I don't know what that meant.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23