6: 30 p.m.
What a busy weekend, for a Friday!

Oh my weekend is already off to an interesting start! Here's a rundown:

1. My deviance exam? Well, all I can say is that Kerr needs to stop dropping acid before writing up tests. I swear, it would've made MORE sense had it been written in Japanese and then translated by Brak. Honestly.

2. I may be a hateful bitch, but I really love it when a car tries to pass me on the right, and then has to slam on its brakes and get back behind me because there is someone going slower in the SLOW lane. Dammit, people. That's what it's there for. But that sort of thing makes my whole day.

3. I need sex. Really. I'm like a hungry person wandering the desert who is so parched that they are starting to look at their own shoe as a tasty treat. We're coming up on nineteen months, people. That's just wrong. I've never gone this long.

4. Today is day one of Alyssa's "I'm-living-on-a-shoestring-budget" plan. When I went to the Krog after arriving in town, I downgraded from the Sheer Blonde shampoo and conditioner, which cost a combined total of $11, to the VO5 Kiwi Lime shampoo and conditioner, which cost a combined total of $1.50. I hope my hair can take it. I did, however, still buy my VO5 hot oil shower works. Hey, a girl has needs, and I need healthy hair.

5. I've found a new favorite game. It's called "Try on all the stuff in your drawers that used to be too small and see if it fits." Whee! During this process, I discovered two condoms (which don't expire until this June, so I'm keeping 'em!) AND some fabulous novelties. There's a story behind said novelties:

*When I was in the 8th grade, and had just joined the marching band, we went on a long bus ride to a competition somewhere. I dunno, details aren't my thing. Anyway, on the way, we all stopped at this gas station so everyone could buy soft drinks or go to the bathroom. In the bathroom, we discovered a vending machine, which, rather than dispensing the usual paddywhackers and plugs, sold "novelties." So we all were standing in this great line to spend all of our spare change on these naughty little presents. Then we all practiced our haggling and barter techniques on the bus ("I'll give you two french ticklers for your octopussy."). In my drawer I discovered a glow-in-the-dark condom, an erection ring, a french tickler, and the remains of what used to be massage oil. Side note - do not lick up massage oils. Your tongue will be numb for a good week.

Don't ask how I know this.

Ah, memories...*

6. I got to play with my dog, who is precious. It was just worth mentioning, I cann't help it. Although he is currently going through puberty, so my poor right leg has been defiled (this is NOT cheating, Casey. Even I'm not that disgusting).

7. My Cosmo for April was waiting for me on my bed when I got home. There's actually an article about being able to tell whether a guy is good in bed or not based on certain characteristics/mannerisms. Great. Like I don't have a hard enough time keeping my mind off of sex anyway, now I'm gonna be analyzing every guy I see.

Good times.

Now for the sad news. My grandpa was released yesterday from the hospital, but went right back in today, cause now he can't pee. Fortunately the pneumonia is clearing up. It's like his entire body is giving out at once. I hate this.

But, he's in good spirits, so yay for that!

And I will keep you all updated on future happenings of life in the Fort! Bye for now!

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23