3:40 p.m.
You want this ASS.

I have a paper due in 22 hours.


Which actually means that I could procrastinate for a good 12 hours and still get it done.

And get some sleep, too.

I made myself laugh so hard today...I decided we should all do the donkey dance outside of POT this afternoon, and when Willy and Jeff decided that they should run away instead, I replied, "You know you want a piece of this ASS!"


It still makes me laugh.

Donkey = ass. (For those of you not aware of why this joke was funny.)

Chewy and I both bought our tickets for Beaux Arts during lunch. Yes, folks, Chewy and "Stu-ey (wtf?)" will be in attendance. I put my tickets in my deviance folder. I thought it was appropriate. So don't let me forget.

After Deviance today, Willy and I decided to be extra lazy and ride the bus to the med center, cause I needed some articles for my paper. It took us at least half an hour to get there. We decided that instead of writing our papers/going to class/doing homework, we should take pictures of ourselves on the Lextran buses, just cruising around Lexington.

And the image of presenting that in class instead of a stupid paper on the personality disorder questionnaire made my heart grin.

More tales of procrastination to come, I'm sure.

Also, there are eight hours until I am free of the shackles of abstinence.

Paper still due.

I don't care.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23