3:15 p.m.
Excrement and washer fun!

I hate my life.

Living in the deuce deuce deuce manor has become roughly the equivalent of living in a musical farce.

So last night, I decide, "hmm, I think I'd like some clean towels."

You wouldn't think I was asking too much of my washing machine, but apparently I was. It exploded again. All over the floor. And while I'm up to my ankles in water, ready to cry because I'm too short to reach the damn faucet on the other side to turn the water off, the phone rings.

It's my mom.

So now I'm trying to hold back on all of the multiple cursing I would rather be doing so as not to offend my mom's virgin ears.

I finally get that mess cleaned up, and maintenance shows up this morning. They decide we get a new washer.

Go us!

I come home from class today, my bladder ready to burst. I go into the bathroom. Shelly has been home. Suffice it to say that there were some, um, remnants of her time on the toilet left for my viewing pleasure.

What is this girl eating? Geez.

Anyway, I go to flush, and, lo and behold, my toilet doesn't flush. And it almost leaked its poo flakes and such onto my rug. I honestly would've hung myself if that had happened. Fortunately, we have 2 bathrooms.

I was going to call maintenance again, but Gina said that they wouldn't come up here for a clogged toilet. Boo on them.

So I spent half an hour plunging away at some poo monster that is in my toilet.

It still won't flush.

So I called my mom, in tears. Here's a surefire way to get money. Have an emotional breakdown and in the middle of it, tell your mom how your next moneymaking scheme involves selling your body for crack.

At least if I have to unclog poo juice, I'm getting some money out of it.

Very convenient that Shelly has disappeared for this time of great family fun and entertainment.

Mom said that I should call maintenance, since I had been plunging away to no avail.

Haha. When I called them, they said, "Is this Shelly again?" I responded, "No, but this is her roommate." The guy just started laughing. Those damn maintenance people are here all the time.

If you ask me, they should just drop by at least once a day. It would save me the phone call.

I was going to share with you a hilarious conversation that I overheard on my way to the library today, but I think you all may be spent after my lovely tale of excrement.

Boo on my apartment!

By the way, Becky, I don't want this to influence your decision to live here one bit. yay. I love this apartment. whoppee. Just think of all the stories you'll be able to tell the grandkids someday.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23