10:23 p.m.
Fung Woo!


That's all I can even say, really.

Yesterday, Amanda and Chris came to town and since our party eventually dwindled to a grand total of three, we decided to head out to Nicholasville to do a little miniature golfing, where I actually heard "Sexual Healing" and "Everybody have fun tonight" during our time of greatness. Life does not get better than sexual healing.

*That's not in quotes for a reason. Whee. P.S. Chris, you are absolutely right.*

We also went go-carting. Whee! They should take away my license. I'm such a pathetic nerd. I actually got lapped by a twelve-year old. And Amanda came whizzing by me, creating sparks on the rail as she furiously tried to catch up to Chris.

If this was a race, I totally lost.

And then the funmobile (new name for my car, since fun just manages to follow me wherever I go) trekked over to Target and Amanda and I took really stupid pictures of ourselves being whimsical. Funoodle + tiny garden hat + Barbie sunglasses + camera = fun!

So, today.

Well, first I had to get up at the asscrack of dawn to go to the initiation and installation of the new chapter. Blargh. I have nothing nice to say about this nonsense, so I won't say a thing.

So Fung Woo...

Okay, the last time I was in Richmond, I thought I saw a Chinese restaurant called Fung Woo, which I thought was totally wonderful. After playing this up to Matt for long enough, he finally decided that we needed to go.

And go we did.

Yeah, so I don't know what kinds of acid I take, but there is NO such place as Fung Woo. It's Fong's. How Fong's turned into Fung Woo in my twisted mind, I'll never know. But the food was pretty tasty.

And then we decided to go home the long, scenic way. Which magically led us to an old, dirt country road and a one-way bridge by a river.

Where the hell were we?

I guess the real magic is how we managed to get back to Lexington with no trouble at all.

Also, we saw the world's biggest houses. I really think it was the first time I've achieved spontaneous orgasm from seeing something inanimate.

I wish I were kidding.

Then we decided to go see Vanilla Sky. Go see this movie. It is fucked up in a good way.

And I don't even like Tom Cruise.

And we cruised the loop. Go cruise the loop. Go now. I'll wait, promise. Nothing says cool like cruising the loop at 9:30 on a Saturday night and returning home before 10. Go us.

I told you I was the funmobile.

So now I think I'm gonna settle in and watch Are You Being Served? I think after such an action-packed weekend, it's the best way to unwind.

Goodnight, everyone!

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23