6:23 p.m.
A little rant...

Here's my rant for the day:

Okay, so I went to the unsent letters page, and the most recent letter (as of right now) is this letter where the author refers to gastric bypass surgery as "the easy way out."

Are you fucking kidding me?

Okay, YOU try having someone rip you open, rearrange your parts, jam hoses and tubes into every possible orifice, you can't walk, you can't breathe, you can't eat, you can't bathe I need to go on?

The EASY way out. God, that couldn't be further from the truth, and I just thought anyone who happens to stumble across my diary should know. If you think it IS going to be easy, you are so SORELY mistaken. Unless you enjoy involuntarily crapping your pants in church.

Ah, so that's over with. Let's talk about my fabulous life.

I flashed the ghetto children today. Like it's not enough to get whistled at and stared at every freaking day, today they got a good look at my entire front side.


Yeah, I'm walking back to my apartment today after class and the wind, I guess, caught my shirt at the perfect angle and it flew up over my face.

While I love it when it warms up, I have NO shorts. None. I'm roasting. Because all of my shorts are extremely too big. I can't go around wearing these things; I'd moon everyone. And after my indecent exposure this morning, I think I've fulfilled my flashing quotient for quite a while.

I cannot stand these frat-boy rejects who are outside in all their shirtless glory throwing a frisbee. Because everyone knows that every woman in the world judges the sexual prowess of a man by how well he can throw and catch a plastic disc. Are you serious? Besides, even if I DID do that, these people wouldn't score too high on my list anyway. I've never seen guys try harder to show off for all of the half-dressed girls around here and suck so badly at it.

And while I'm just in this mood to complain, can I just tell you people that I saw WAY more of one of my neighbors than I ever wanted to? I walked outside today to go to the grocery store and, well, there was this guy lying out on the deck outside wearing these extremely loose shorts. Okay, here's some advice for everyone out there. PLEASE WEAR UNDERPANTS! Damn. I don't want to see your penis, Mister Man. And if I do, I'll ask, don't worry.

And that's it for today. Two weeks from tonight...Happiness! The John Mayer orgy of fun!

Maybe orgy was the wrong word after my little speech about Mister Man and his twig and giggleberries.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23