3:37 p.m.
I want to take a nap.

I feel like a zombie.

Go die, people for early. leave me alone.

I'm still not exactly sure what it is I'm doing at my job, but I think it's this:

Open, sort, log in, and send out mail. This takes roughly 2 hours. The remainder of my time there is spent reading this hilariously sad poetry composed by high school seniors and fighting with Wes, James, and Gina over the radio.

Seriously. Reading this poetry makes me completely understand why people mock the Kentucky public education system.

Have you ever seen someone you usually see on a certain day, but today isn't that day, and then it makes you question your sanity/what day it really is? And then you have this sort of internal monologue...

"Wait, is today Thursday? What day is it. Oh my goodness, I missed my class and went to work instead. No, that can't be right, cause Niki would've called to find out where I was. No, I don't have my phone on. What was yesterday? Was it extremely long, or has this entire week mushed into one day? Did I watch South Park last night? No, I was on the phone. Well, that doesn't help. Maybe I should stop someone and ask them if they know what day it is. No, I don't want to be THAT person..."

So, I'm not really certain that it's Tuesday, but I'm going to pretend that it is.

I finally got to meet this much publicized kid from work that Gina thinks is the premiere hottie. Eh, not so much. Sorry. Dammit, that's the whole reason I wanted this job! haha. Gina is 100% convinced that not only did I want the job to boy-watch all day long, but that I'm going to tell the boss that, AND I'm going to tell the entire office that Gina thinks he's cute.

I'm glad my friends have so much confidence in my social abilities.

One week from today is the double-double Johnny-Johnny fest. I absolutely, positively cannot wait. I've already told everyone in the office about it.

Obsess much? Not me!

I want to bleach my hair. I miss my brighter appearance.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23