2:31 p.m.
Can I get a woo woo?

I'm officially ova like Rova the Casanova.

Can I get a woo woo?

What the hell have you people done with my roly bling?

So all of my grades are now posted. Stupid criminology was my only B.

Borking criminology. Bah! Borking Quisenberry!

Go die people for crime. leave me alone.

So Gina's parents are busy moving out all of her stuff right now. She's staying until Sunday, but now she's moving out most of her big stuff. (At least NOW her room finally looks clean.)

Last night we were talking on our way back from the Krog, and my voice broke. I almost cried. I cannot believe that, for the first time, she's gonna be far away from me. She's like my safety. And the best thing about living with her is that she gives me my space. I'm a pain in the ass to live with, I'll admit, cause I have days when I just lock myself in my room and I don't want to talk to anybody.

She never intruded. And we were talking about literally everything under the sun last night, and she always tells me exactly what I need to hear.

SO anyway, that concludes the sad portion of my entry. I'm just gonna miss her. If I'm like this NOW, I don't even want to know how I'm gonna act at her graduation party.


So, we went to paint some pottery last, yeah. What the hell is wrong with me? You would think I was having epileptic seizures all over the place while trying to paint this thing. (monkey fucking a coconut? MFC, is that you?) And it's not even finished yet. You know, according to the record I have, my biologcal mother and father were both extremely artsy. And tall. Where on earth did I come from?

I'm gonna go finish my pottery and take a holy nap.

And then my intentions are to be a giant vegetable for the rest of the weekend!


I'm sleepy.

If it weren't for my horse, I never would've spent that year in college.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23