1:28 p.m.
I'm going to Kansas city!

I'm going to Kansas City...Kansas City here I come!

Okay, not really, but that's the only song about a place that I can think of right now.

I'm leaving this town. Seriously. I've got to go. Don't get me wrong, Lexington is charming, in an industrial, farmy, pathetic excuse for a college town kinda way. But I need a change.

I've figured out why I've been so restless as of late. Usually by this time, I'm living back at home with the 'rents. This is the longest I've been anywhere since I've been in college, and it's driving me insane. How am I ever going to settle down and get a house?

No, I'm not moving. Don't get all weepy on me. Niki and I have decided to take a road tip this summer. I'm seriously pulling for Chicago, but she desperately wants to see Atlanta. To be honest, she wants to visit the CNN building, most likely in the hopes of seeing Bill Hemmer.

Nevermind the fact that the only reason I want to go to Chicago is because I have some delusion that I will run into Billy Corgan. NO, I want to go museum-ing.

It is too a word.

I haven't had a nap in 2 days! Whee! Don't bother me between the hours of 5 and 7. I'll come find you and hurt you.

Wanna know something SWELL?? Rhonda, at work, whom I sit next to all day long, has strep throat. I get strep throat at least once a year. My tonsils hate me. I do NOT want to be ill.

With her gone, though, and with several other people out as well for various reasons, it leaves Wes and myself to answer phone calls from confused guidance counselors, irate parents, and arrogant students. I get to be the graduation nazi. No graduation for you! You failed! You suck. Leave me alone!

I had the best time with Niki last night. I bought a fabulous dress for the multiple summer weddings (on sale for 20 bucks!) although Niki claims it looks like a rose garden. It was better than this other one I tried on. It was really pretty and fit very well, but when I threw open the dressing room door I got this reaction from Niki:

"Alyssa, that dress is so see-through I can see the SHAPE of your underwear."

Yeah, that's the look I'm goin' for, baby!

As much as I love my boys, and I do, there's nothing quite like an evening with your girlfriends. I actually feel slightly rejuvenated, at least anough to pull me through until the weekend.

Oh, I saw a used tampon applicator on my way to work this morning. I know that's disgusting. I agree. But what I think is funny is the visual I just got of some girl walking to class, realizing that she's just started her period, and whipping her pants down to insert the sucker. Too bad I missed that. That's a Kodak moment if I've ever heard of one.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23