5:21 p.m.
The search begins

About time I wrote something coherent...

Fortunately, I was blessed to not have a hangover today. I rarely get them. It would take some serious alcohol to induce something like that.

Today, to celebrate (or something) James and I spent a good hour recounting some of our more famous drunken times. I'm telling you, the kid is 2 years younger than I am, and every single one of his stories rivals mine of the "Waffle House Incident" (if you are not familiar with said incident, consider yourself lucky. That's a story I save for when I'm in the mood for all of my friends to think I'm a jackass).

Today I embark on the "Great Sunglasses Search of 2002." Hopefully, unlike some people, this is NOT going to take at least 2 weeks. Somehow my sunglasses got broken in all the excitement last night. Go me. Not that there's anything wrong with taking a long time to find a good pair of sunglasses; there IS something wrong with expecting a pair of spectacles to make you look like Gideon Yago.

Nevermind the fact that I only wore mine because I thought they made me look like Britney Spears. That's completely different.

The ghetto children today informed me that a friend of theirs wanted to "holler" at me. There's that word again. Do we all remember the guys who were "hollering" at Gina and me from A1A? I do.

And we all know what happened that night...

Anywho, score one for my ego. Also score another one because the lady at Starbucks called me cute. I'm afraid I'm gonna have to dock myself 1.5 points, though, considering that I have been complimented by a 14 year old and a 30-something woman.

Funny quote from last night:

Casey: Would you have sex with Lil' Bow Wow?

Me: Lil' Bow Wow??!! Hell, no! He's Lil'legal!


My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23