9:34 a.m.
"We lay all kinds"

Bored as HELL...

James is currently on his lunch break (?) so he can watch the World Cup in the Student Center. Boo on him. I was trying to take a nap, and I'm counting on him to wake me up if someone important (ie. my boss) comes in here.

We're supposed to be making study guides, but we are completely out of paper, so that operation has been put on hold, which ultimately means that we have to stretch even LESS work into a 9-hour day.

Last night's trip to Goodwill proved uber-fruitful. I found a super shirt for the picture that is so vintage 1980s that when I tried it on last night, for a moment I thought I was my mother. All I needed was some feathered hair. It's hot pink with black polka dots, and it's one of those shirts with the band around the waist and all loose everywhere else and buttons on the shoulders and...well, it's just good.

And I found this other wonderful shirt (which I am currently sporting) advertising some flooring company, I think, but their motto is "We lay all kinds."

Really, is there a more appropriate shirt for me? I think not.

I also managed to buy the world's best book for 50 cents. It's called "Sex: A User's Guide" and was published in 1981. Good, good, GOOD reading.

What is the deal with my hair? This weather HAS to go. I've got this quasi-curly afro going on around my straight hair. It's almost mullet-esque, I'm serious. Now I REALLY need hair help. My hair used to be stick-straight, but since it all fell out last winter, it's grown in kind of wonky. It won't commit to being either straight OR curly, so I really just have more of a curly halo around my hairline.

I insisted that we go to Jo Beth last night, where Matt and I searched the entire store from top to bottom for the biography section, only to eventually swallow our pride, finally ask for help, and learn that there ISN'T a biography section.

But at least I don't feel stupid anymore.

I found out that my new favorite band, DaVinci's Notebook, was actually IN Lexington back in March, I think, playing at Lynaugh's. I hope you all realize that when they come back to town, I'm dragging you all with me to see them, like it or not. Go download "Title of the Song." Seriously. Do it now.

No, really. Do it now, or quit reading my diary.

Go already.

Hee hee. We lay all kinds. I'm gonna be chuckling about that all day.

The official princess birthday countdown (you all KNEW this was coming sooner or later): 8 days, 2 hours, 26 minutes.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23