11:59 a.m.
My birthday weekend extravaganza. or something

I'm feeling better today than I did yesterday, so hooray.

So...the weekend. Yeah, P.F. Chang's was fucking incredible. We got these lettuce wraps that damn near brought a tear to my a good way. Then we all got some wonderful food (all different entrees so we could share - they insisted!) and then we had the most decadent dessert I've ever enjoyed. Awesome.

My parents kick ass.

Gina and Tiffany came over later and they took Matt and me out to the clubs in Cinti. Whee! We had a tad too much to drink, although, fortunately, none of us wound up on the floor. Any night that can end with us doing the Can-Can to "New York, New York" with people we've never met is worth reliving.

Gina did something completely out of character, and it just touched me. She's not the kind of person to tell you what you mean to her. She's not all that sentimental. And it's not that I am all that much, either, but I've just always felt very distant from her because of it. Anyway, she wrote me seriously the sweetest message ever in my card, and it just blew my mind.

And I got MOODS! MOODS, people! Who's coming over to play?

And we somehow staggered in and munched on cold Chinese food leftovers until 4 in the morning.

We were so incredibly lethargic yesterday, though. I feel bad because My parents and I were having a deightful conversation in the kitchen - perhaps a little TOO delightful, as our uproarious laughter seemed to have awakened Matty 6 hours too early.

So we all went out again last night to the bowling alley/karaoke bar.

Props to becky for being the DD last night! Thanks! It was the best present you could've given me! Bowling half-drunk and listening to all of the tone-deaf mulleted folk in Lexington sing karaoke did wonders to pull the giant pinecone out of my ass.

I have a vague recollection of starting a kick line during "Friends in Low Places. Oh, dear.

And I did NOT lose 40/40. Minor technicality, that's all. Dammit, Matt, I ask you to keep one little secret and just because YOU don't want to call me Princess doesn't mean you have to shit on my rainbow. Boo.

No keg for Casey.

So, I got a birthday card from my estranged grandparents - ripped almost completely in half. Seriously. At first I thought it was an act of passive-aggressive rage on their behalf, but I realized that it was stamped from the post office, "Damaged in handling."

No, U.S. Postal Service, thank YOU.

So, now I'm off to enjoy some Cinnabon leftovers and perhaps go back to bed. Adios, kids! Thanks to everyone who signed my book with birthday wishes!

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23