12:13 p.m.
My life as an Aaron Spelling drama

*sigh* Too much drama...

Generally my life is about as interesting as one of those shows on Public Access (aka "The Misery Channel" as my stepdad says), but lately, it's more resembling some angsty drama produced by Aaron Spelling.

Well, without all the boobs.

I think it's important to respect people. I try to respect a person as much as I can for as long as I can, but I am completely, utterly, 100% unable to respect "D" (see Casey's diary for full disclosure. I'm not in the mood). The whole incident that took place this weekend makes me physically ill. And reading what Casey has to say about it, that it really is so easy as to tell a girl that she's beautiful, almost made me cry. So here I sit, back in the dungeon of the ISP office, trying to maintain my composure while my ultra-sensitive coworkers tease me about the possibility of pregnancy (highly unlikely, by the way, my body is about as fertile as the surface of Pluto, but still a little unnerving).

So, drama, drama, and more drama. I'm not so much angry about that as I am disgusted.

Anyway, this morning I found out from Gina that after I left the wedding, one of my friends, who was a bridesmaid, got into a fight with her boyfriend. She's been on his case to propose to her for the past 7 months. FYI: They've been together for about 9 months. You do the math. My take on the situation is that if you want the relationship to go there, and your partner doesn't, it's not a good idea to push the situation. Even if he does give in and propose to you, is it really as meaningful? Do you really belong together if you want completely different things?

Did anyone ask my opinion? No, but they totally should. I have all the answers.

Apparently, they got into it during the reception, and she spit in his face. He hit her.

He HIT her.

I don't care how obnoxious someone is, you don't hit them. So, now I have zero respect for TWO people.


I'm losing faith in the male species as a whole.

Sadly, she is so taken with the idea of marriage that she quickly forgave him and, from what I hear, all is well in paradise again.

God, is this a Lifetime movie of the week or what?

Um, what can I talk about that's pleasant?

Oh. My wanky hormones are all out of whack, since I have opted not to have a period this week (I'm not messing with a bleeding uterus while I'm trying to move. You try it. It wouldn't be pretty) and this morning I got a full on CRAVING for some potato chips. I don't know either. All I know is that I started shaking and I got this odd taste in my mouth that wouldn't leave until I ate what my body wanted.

Being a girl is complicated.

My parents have lost their damn minds. I went for a little visit this past weekend and found that they had not only purchased a brand new computer, but a new entertainment center, a new, much larger tv (silver, no less) and a new desk. Keep in mind that these are the same people who will go to a restaurant they don't even like just because they have a coupon for it. These are the people we're dealing with here.

And they took me shopping for multiple apartment goodies. I got a plunger that actually matches the decor of my bathroom (navy blue and grey). A grey plunger, people! With a clear handle! It's almost too nice to use for its intended purpose.

My grandmother, who kicks uber-ass, gave me this gorgeous heirloom china, and a cookbook of family recipes. My aunt bought me a cookie sheet and a casserole dish.

I should move more often.

The fun really begins this weekend, when Matt and I trek up to my crazy aunt and uncle's house to pick up a bed frame and headboard. This is the aunt who casts out demons. How exciting! And, of course, we get to go back to visit daddy-o to rummage through his things as well.

Does anyone have any Valium? I have the feeling that I'm gonna need a serious tranquilizer after all that fun.

And it's back to work for me.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23