8:29 a.m.
My fingers reek of bleach...

What a freaking incredible weekend.

So, I finally meet Polishstreak, and I LOVE this girl. Seriously. After having read her diary religiously since the first time Matt mentioned her, and seeing that she is one of the most hilarious and articulate people on the planet, I was more than a little intimidated at the prospect of actually meeting her in person. It would be like trying to sit down and jam with John Mayer. BUT, I felt immediately at ease with her and we traded horror stories about former boyfriends, drinking, work, and, well, I'm sure there's more, but that's about when the drinks started flowing, and from there, it's all a fuzzy goo in my memory.

Accompanied by Matt and Casey, we traversed to Mia's, where Polishstreak bought us copious amounts of alcohol. How wonderful! I promise that when we come to visit you, I will return the favor.

Then we somehow staggered over to the Ho, where we were greeted (I think) by Fat James, and much greasy food was consumed. Yup. Nothing better to sit on a queasy stomach than cheddar tots.

I'm sure that we must've made it home somehow, and I have vague memories of flashing multiple cars (sorry about that!) and Polishstreak winding up in a drunken heap in the grass.

I honestly don't think I've been that inebriated since the pole-dancing incident.

The one memory I will always hold near and dear to my heart, without getting too weepy, is having the most incredible heart-to-heart in the bathroom with Matt. (I had dragged him in there with me, because I thought I was going to be ill. Fun!) I've said it drunk, and now I'll say it sober. I have NEVER, in my entire life, been closer to another person. We emerged some 20 minutes after to a crowd of angry women who had to pee with tear-stained faces. I don't care - I love my Matty.

I was so glad that Casey came along too, because a party just isn't a party without a drunken Casey (although he did manage to keep his pants on, from what I recall). And Case, if you need me, you have my number. You'd better give me yours, or I'll meander the halls of Haggin looking for your ass, and we don't want that, do we?

Saturday was a day of recouperation, although we made a brief stop over at Becky's new pad, which looks incredible. Congrats to you, kiddo - I really enjoyed seeing your new apartment!

Yesterday, we cleaned the HELL out of our former place of residence. Five hours. I still smell like bleach. And at one point, I had trapped myself in the bathroom with my Clorox Clean-Up with a vent that doesn't work, and found myself getting a little swimmy.

As a final act of passive-aggressive defiance, I filled Shelly's old bedroom with boxes and trash and whatever I didn't feel like taking outside. Hey, if she's gonna be a bitch, I will, too, and she just won't get her deposit back. Boo hoo.

Anyway, all in all, it was an utterly fabulous and exhausting weekend, and I've got to thank everyone I spent any time with - you all fucking rule.

Jim-Bob has gone to Canada this week, and part of next, so I'm trapped back here all alone. Don't be surprised if this isn't my only entry.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23