9:16 a.m.
My toe hurts.

This morning I heard on the radio that there is some girl in New York who racked up 20 grand in credit card debt and is asking people to send her money to help her out. Doesn't she know anything? Everyone knows that the best way to get out of debt is to marry some rich old man. Or to file bankruptcy. Well, that's how we handle it in our family.

There will be no Gay Music Hour this morning, since my Spinner Radio has gone haywire. Nuts to you people. I need my techno like a crack whore needs a hit.

BUT, on the radio, they actually are playing at this very moment the theme from St. Elmo's Fire. It makes me want to sing and dance. And it makes me feel 10 all over again.

Because I am a fucking genius, I managed to burn the crap out of my middle finger while pulling brownies out of the oven last night. Dammit, they weren't even finished yet, either. I had to put them back in. See, here's a helpful baking tip: NEVER touch a hot pan of brownies with a bare hand, no matter how much fun it looks.

On the bright side, I can show everyone my little injury and flip them off at the same time. Happy day.

Also, the toe ring that I wear on my left foot (yes, I'm THAT girl with the toe rings. Get over it.) has created some uber-injury to my big toe, and it bled all over my foot.

Eww. This entry suddenly became muy tasteless.

Oh my GOD, if Sheryl Crow doesn't stop soaking up the sun already, I'm gonna hunt her down and make her carry around a giant umbrella or something. Are they still going to be overplaying this song at Christmas time?

It's FINALLY a beautiful day outside, and now I'm remembering why I love Lexington. It's so nice to walk to work on a breezy summer morning, rather than trying to swim through a cloud of humidity and human perspiration.

Well, this entry has been completely pointless. Yahoo.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23