11:21 a.m.
My name isn't Allison. It's Lisa. Get it right.

My boss has gone from thinking my name is Lisa to thinking it's Allison. I swear, I want to just grab her and scream, "It's Lisa, dammit! I'm not Allison."

That's not right.

I called my grandma last night, which is something one should never do with less than 1 hour on a phone card. She's a bit of a chatterbox. See, I was calling for the recipe to her baked corn. Oh my goodness, the corn.

No, really. Just think about it for a minute. Corn, creamed corn, cornbread, sour cream, butter, all topped off with cheese...never has such a perfect food been invented. Anywho, I made it last night, and it was delightful. I will be enjoying the cheesy corn goodness for the remainder of the week, no doubt. Happy day.

Matt and I are going this weekend to meet up with my friend Kelly, who was one of my best friends in high school. I'm excited as hell to see her again, but I'm a bit nervous as well. A lot of things have changed since the days of sleepovers and long phone calls, and I'm almost afraid that I won't be myself or something. Or I'm afraid that she'll tell me that I haven't grown as much as I like to think I have. Or I think I need to stop staying up until 2 in the morning and take a nap.

Also, there's discussion of a trip to a place we saw coming back from my aunt and uncle's house - Queenie's Weenies. I don't know what a "queenie's weenie" is, but I know I want one. I'm hoping it fulfills its promise of greatness.

Can I tell you how much I feel like I'm in an episode of "Are You Being Served?" right now? The a/c isn't working down here, and they're too stupid around here to recognize that working in 90 degree weather with no air at all is not only extremely uncomfortable, but probably a violation of some law regarding worker's rights. And the tension around here is thick as hell - about as thick as the air itself. I'm smothering. See? Constant bickering, incompetent management, and grossly uncomfortable working all I need is a swishy man to tell me about his lady friends and I'll be all set.

Bring me some ice cream.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23