1:37 p.m.
Veggie sub?

Yo, this is a story all about how my life got flip-turned upside-down...

I want to know who this man is sending me emails from my father's account and what he's done with the hateful man I affectionately call "Daddy."

Seriously, and I told him this, if I had any clue that things would go this smoothly once I had informed him of the shenanigans of the past 2 months, I could've saved myself a lot of frustration and heartache. Not that my stepdad doesn't rock Saddam Hussein's ass, but at least my dad, being the exceptional atheist that he is, doesn't bring religion into everything. is good.

I have determined that Starbucks puts an addictive chemical in their iced chai that makes me crave it fortnightly.

Oh, that's right. I said fortnightly.

I'm currently enjoying my second one of the day. This can't be good for me. Oh well. I'd rather go down in a blaze of milky tea goodness.

I'm so ready for classes to start, although I'm not certain that I'm prepared for the influx of freshmen soon to be on campus. There are already lots of fun student workers. What follows is an encounter that took place between one such student worker (SW, because I don't feel like typing "Student Worker" every other line) and myself.

SW: Can I help you?

Me: I'd like half of a ham and cheese on white.

SW: Half veggie on wheat?

Me: Half ham and cheese on white.

SW: What kinds of peppers on the veggie?

Me: No, not veggie. Ham. No peppers.

SW: No peppers on the veggie?

Me: NO...(exasperated)...just ham and cheese.

SW: banana peppers?

Me: I want THIS (pointing at ham) and THIS (pointing at cheese).

SW: *reaches for honey mustard*...bacon?

Me: Ham. ham. Ham and cheese. That's all I want. No peppers. No bacon. No honey mustard. And I wanted it on WHITE bread.

*Sigh...I think I wound up with baloney, lettuce, and banana peppers.

I love UK Food Services, don't you?

At least in 8 days I get to start the super fun Fam 253 class. Don't even THINK I'm not counting the days.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23