9:36 a.m.
Good Intentions...

"It's hard to rely on my good intentions

when my head's full of things that I can't mention...

seems I usually get things right

but I can't understand what I did last night

And it's hard to rely on my own good senses

when I miss so much that requires attention

I have to laugh at myself sometimes

and I can see that I'm not blind."

Yup, that pretty much sums it up right there. My weekend was this bizarre combination of completely wonderful layered with poke-me-in-the-eye kind of obnoxious. Blah. I've decided that Matt should follow me around and make my decisions for me, considering that I'm doing such a bang-up job of making them for myself.

I know I'm being kinda vague here, but as much as I hate censoring my own diary, I have to remember that it's online, and therefore available for the entire public to gawk at, should they choose to do so.

On top of everything else, I started smoking again. Nothing cures a good case of self-loathing like a cancer stick.

But, Louisville - what fun! See polishstreak's diary for the details...I don't think she left out a single thing, and to repeat it all here would be a bit redundant, but I DID make a new friend - critterwil! Yay. She is definitely good people.

Math for the weekend: Jello shots + Smirnoff Ice = seriously butchered pop standards. Yup, I sang karaoke for the first time, and boy was that fun! Well, to be honest, I DID attempt to sing on my birthday, but since I don't remember it, and Matt and Casey were literally holding me up, I don't think it counts.


I have determined that I NEED to see the musical RENT after Polishstreak played it for us in the car on the way to Cinti (a 90 mile trip in just over an hour?? hahaha). What fun! What a splendid day! And capped off with Krispy Kreme was good.

I'm feeling rather schizophrenic these days, and I apologize to my readers and my friends for this behavior. Probably the majority of it all is due to the fact that I ran out of my birth control a couple of weeks ago, and until I drag my ass to the clinic for more, my body is attempting to readjust to it's naturally much lower levels of estrogen. Yay.

Sometimes I want to bury my head in my couch and cry for several weeks.

Well, that was odd.

Anyway, I must thank my Saturday companions, because it was fucking incredible. You guys are wonderful. I take great pride in the fact that my overshare displaced at least one wholesome-looking family from their seat right next to us at Chi-Chi's. That's me at my drunken best.

Oh, does someone hate me? Because apparently someone broke into the cable box outside of my apartment and shut off MY cable. No one else's. You know, if you really want to make me miserable, you should cut off my a/c, not my cable. I mean, it did kind of suck, but I have plenty of movies to last me until the people come to fix it. So there. Nyah.

I can't wait for classes to start. Honestly. If only the campus weren't once again overridden with the wrong kind of people.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23