4:47 p.m.
too much enthusiasm for the drunken fireowrks. Or something.

I really shouldn't be updating in my current state. I'll try to keep the typos to a bare minimum.

So in t-minus 1 hour and 15 minutes, I will be embarking on the adventure of the weekend, which is the damn fireworks. No, Casey, I will not go find myself a hot studmuffin on the river. If you had seen the types that frequent the fireworks annually, you'd understanad it.

And I'm already a bit buzzed, but, see, if I'm going to be abandoned, as I am every year, while Gina and Susan Q-san go looking for guys in this mess of winners, I'd rather not remember it all tomorrow.

Cherry Vanilla Fuitopia is good. especially with vodka. yum.

I hope my parents don't get home soon. nuts ot them,

My mother tried to get me to dance with her this morning. She is the worst dancer on the planet. She was trying to bust a funky move to Chic's Good Times and flapping her hand in the air like a horny frat boy or some such.

The oher night, I dreamt that the olsen twins were fat and pregnant. Ha! Take that, you teentybooper frekas! Go die.

Last night I dreamt that I made out with James from work. Boo on that.

Somtimes I feel like a 14-year old girl. I'm not happy unless I have a crush on someone. But, all is wel in that department. We shall divulge the detalis later.

Yes, I'm a big loser like that!

Goodbye everyone! Have a fun holiday!


My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23