1:59 a.m.
Fireworks aftermath

So the fireworks.

I'm not drunk anymore, and I still can't spell fireworks.


Well, it was good at least that I had the opportunity to see Tiffany, Susan, and Gina. Tiffany started med school about a month ago and we haven't spoken since then. She's quite busy. Needless to say we had a lot of catching up to do.

Anyway, Susan apparently thought it was completely necessary to take both an allergy medication and a migraine pill before downing nearly a fifth of vodka. She was babbling incoherently once we got down by the river, and passed out, behind a van, in a puddle of her own vomit. What a fun time. I had to walk her back to the car after the whole show (which I completely missed because I was trying to make sure she was still conscious and didn't have alcohol poisoning. Or West Nile) and she kept falling into every strange person around us.

We finally manage to get her back to her house and Tiff goes in to wake up Susan's mother to tell her that Sus isn't feeling well and may need to be watched carefully. Her mother actually had the nerve to ask what WE had given her! Let me say, I have known Susan's mom since I was a wee little thing. I honestly cannot believe she would assume that I was the one getting her daughter into trouble. Ha! Hardly.

Anyway, we drop Susan off (and I sincerely hope she's still alive), and Gina and Tiff and I spend about 45 minutes looking for a party that was, literally, the least fun time of my life. I think we may have stayed for a grand total of 15 minutes. I got pissed cause I could smell herbals all night and couldn't find them.

I'm convinced that there was weed in that house somewhere.

And while I'm talking about this house, can we talk about the decor? They had the biggest freaking tv I'd ever seen. It was MASSIVE. I felt like I needed to be bowing before it and offering to hunt emus to slaughter in its entertaining goodness and drink sacrificial wine. Sacramental wine?


So, the entertainment center was all shiny and black and lovely. There was this incredibly fabulous lamp in the corner that damn near made me drool. The couches were white leather. Fantastic.

Then I look at the walls...these people, whatever it is that they do for a living (to live in a house like this one, I'm convinced that it has something to do with prostitution or drug trafficking), have bought out everything you can find at Successories. Do these people really need posters on their walls about perseverance when I can clearly see and smell pot remnants on their kitchen table?


And I also saw the world's fattest cat today. Hurrah.

That is all.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23