12:02 a.m.
Isn't it weird?

People are sheep. Last night while I was online downloading songs (music piracy is fun), as soon as those kids on American Idol started singing "So Happy Together," my Kazaa lit up with about 20 people downloading the song from me.

On a completely unrelated topic, just like everyone else, I looked up my name on Google...Alyssa is. The first thing that popped up? "Alyssa is not a lesbian."

Suck on THAT, Casey.

So tonight, I FINALLY saw Austin Powers in Goldmember. I'm once again in love with Seth Green. Fiance Beyonce was not as terrible as I had anticipated. I laughed my ass off. And cameos...I can't spoil it for you if you haven't seen it, but yay.

I'm from Holland. Isn't that weird?

I wish I had a gold penis.

Niki and I also had the most delightful ice cream ever. Go to Marble Slab Creamery. Go now. Let's all go together, my treat. It'll be one big orgy of US. All of us. And ice cream.

Sometimes I'm too girly for my own good. I went to Tar-jay today, fully intending to purchase some CDs I'd been lusting after, but for some reason, I stopped in the makeup section, and all hell broke loose. Long story short, I spent 30 bucks on beauty products I don't need.

I want to look like an oil painting.

Tom Green has a painting of Cindy Crawford and her family over his bed. Normally, I don't find him all that amusing, but that's damn funny.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23