3:25 p.m.
Niiiice mullet.

So yesterday.

First, a fridge update: the damn thing is still broken. No, eating out all the time is fun, really. I can TOTALLY afford it.

Okay, anyway, I went to get a haircut because my hair was getting a bit shaggy, which is the complete opposite of sexy. Do you know what my little hairdresser (and I hated her from the get-go because she was about 4'9" and 95 pounds. I despise cute and tiny) said to me?

"Niiice mullet."

Granted, I hadn't really fixed it, and it may have mildly resembled an M.I.T. (mullet-in-training) at that point, but mullet, it was NOT. But I'm rambling. She actually cut quite a bit off (if I keep this up, I might as well go bald) and then complained about how awful it looked. Those are words you never want to hear from your stylist.


Then she waxed my eyebrows. For those of you not familiar with this endeavor, let me just tell you...there is a right way and a wrong way to voluntarily rip your own hair out of your body. The right way involves putting pressure on the spot right after you do it, using lotion, actually wiping the excess wax OFF before letting the person be on their merry way, and easing up on the tweezing afterwards.

The wrong way? Slathering wax on the spot, ripping it off without any warning, leaving various chunks of waxy goodness in my eyebrows and letting me leave just like that, irritated skin and all.

They are STILL sore.

Oh yeah, she did manage to tweeze the FUCK out of them right afterwards, too. I was totally expecting to be able to go out last night with minimal primping, but instead had to sit in a chair for more than an hour with a cold wet paper towel over the inflamed parts of my face.

Oh, do you know what sucks? Whenever someone comments on the clarity of my skin, I get a pimple. So don't do it, people! You're messing with my stellar look.

So, Casey and I thought it would be lots of fun to go clubbing last night. Long story short, we walked downtown to A1A (which took something like 45 minutes) to be greeted by the shadiest people in the city of Lexington. Maybe, MAYBE 15% of the crowd was under 40. And those that were moderately our age did not look all that promising either. Lots of scary girls.

Too much colored leopard print.

Casey says I'm too judgemental.

That's why I like hanging out with Matt. He'll be bitchy with me.

But I digress.

We did drink a lot, which is always conducive to a good time. Or something.

So we went to the 'Ho, and do you know who I stumbled across in my completely obliterated state? Jim-Bob from work! Oh, that was interesting! Actually, I've missed getting to talk to him all the time - our schedules are completely different now.

I don't remember walking back home, but my extremely sore feet are reminding me that I did.

All I know is, next time I'm taking a cab.

And I'm spent.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23