9:15 a.m.
Give me the cow heart, and nobody gets hurt

So...let me tell you the plan of action for decorating my apartment.

I'm going to take pictures of the "O faces" of all of my friends (black and white, of course), blow them up to poster size, and hang them all over my apartment. So, I need all of you to volunteer to come over for about half an hour. Line forms to the left.

My body is officially on strike. Yesterday, my really cool professor decided he didn't want to show up for research yesterday, which means that I dragged my ass out of bed for nothing. But that's not the point. I decided to go get some breakfast instead from the gas station right down the street from my apartment. For BREAKFAST, I bought nothing but beef jerky.

That's just not right. I just can't get enough jerky lately.

Don't ask.

The following incident would only happen to me:

The other night, Casey came by for a visit and it was determined that I needed batteries (before you start thinking like a dirty old man, the remote control died, okay? Okay), and, well, I keep batteries in my nightstand. Yes, you all know why. Shut up. So, I go running into my bedroom to grab a couple of Double A batteries and when I threw open the drawer to my nightstand, and ALL of my vibrators went off at once. And my mp3 player, as if on cue, started playing "I Touch Myself."

Why? Because that's my life. I'm far too farcical for my liking.

My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23