9:09 a.m.
So much to say

Today, I did the unthinkable. Be looking for signs of the apocalypse anytime soon.

I made it to work on time. Oh, yeah, people. I dragged my ass out of bed at some ungodly hour and actually made it here when I'm supposed to be here (incidentally, it's 8:00. Usually, I come meandering in at about 9 or 9:30. Go me).

I, Claudius lives! I was a bit concerned for a while because he was not moving, but when I got home from class yesterday, he was turned facing me, and I swear to God, he waved at me.

Have you ever had a mouth full of food and then had to sneeze? What do you do?


My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23