2:05 a.m.
survey, shmurvey

So, one time my cousin Jenny made monkey bread for me, and I got really sick and puked in a K-Mart sink.

And now for something completely different:

Survey! Yay. Compliments of Steve.

series one-about you

NAME: Alyssa


BIRTHPLACE: Cincinnati, OH


EYE COLOR: green, with gold around the center.

HAIR COLOR: brown, with wild chunky highlights in the front. I'm still adjusting to them.

RIGHT OR LEFTY: righty. My left hand can barely make a fist.

ZODIAC SIGN: 100% cancer. Deep down, I'm about as sensitive and sentimental as a person could be.

INNIE OR OUTIE: innie. And as an aside, I'm quite squeamish about my belly button, and if anyone ever touches it, I scream like a banshee. It's kind of amusing, I suppose.

series two-describe

YOUR HERITAGE: Well, my adoptive father is part Native American and part Irish (sexy, kinda) and my mother is part German and part Dutch. I was adopted, but I'd venture to say that with my dark hair and eyebrows, I've got some German in me somewhere.

THE SHOES YOU WORE TODAY: the one time I left my apartment, I was wearing my really kick-ass new shoes, which Casey refers to as "bowling cleats." They're very cute.

YOUR HAIR: Confused bisexual. That's all you need to know.

YOUR EYES: Well, you already know the color. They're big, and I'm told that they're "expressive," whatever that means. I think basically whatever emotion I'm feeling, you can pretty much read it in my eyes. I should really be in pictures.

YOUR WEAKNESS: Just one? Stupid magazines, above all. If it has any sex tips, or gossip about celebrities, I'm all over it. How embarassing.

YOUR FEARS: loud noises, espeically thunderstorms. Also, I still sleep with a nightlight. And also, growing old by myself. Don't you feel the slightest bit sad for me? Hee hee.

YOUR PERFECT PIZZA: Oh God, stuffed crust pizza, with tomatoes. Yummity yum yummerson!

ONE THING YOU'D LIKE TO ACHIEVE: Parenthood, eventually.

series three - what is

YOUR MOST OVER-USED PHRASE ON AOL/AIM: either "Go die" or "Seriouzly." With a "z." Don't ask why.

THE FIRST FEATURE YOU NOTICE IN THE OPPOSITE (OR SAME) SEX: lips. I have a lip fetish. Just in case you haven't been paying attention all year.


YOUR BEDTIME: usually between 12 and 1. Of course, it's after 2 right now, and I'm still up. So I'm lying. Whatever. Hey, who asked you, anyway?

YOUR GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT: I guess probably raising my GPA more than a full point over the course of 2 years. That's pretty good, I guess.

YOUR BEST MEMORY: Standing next to my grandpa at Mt. Rushmore, while they played "The Star-Spangled Banner." It was the most serene moment of my life.

series five - do you

SMOKE: occasionally. I used to pretty regularly, but I've managed to cut it down to only when I drink.

CUSS: fuckin' A!

SING WELL: I sing karaoke like nobody's business! I dunno, I can stay on key, so I guess that counts for something.

TAKE A SHOWER EVERYDAY: Extremely, extremely quick ones. I have about 5 minutes before I run out of hot water.

WANT TO GO TO COLLEGE: I'm here now. But, I'm a little tired of it. Ah, well, only 20 more years to go!

LIKE HIGH SCHOOL: Did I? Um, it had its good points, but mainly what I remember is drama, drama, drama. I'd rather not relive all of that.

WANT TO GET MARRIED: Sigh...try as I might, I cannot deny my uber-romantic side, and when nobody's looking, I DO occasionally watch A Wedding Story. Someday, I probably would.

TYPE WITH YOUR FINGERS ON THE RIGHT KEYS: I try to, but if I've been drinking, all hell breaks loose.

BELIEVE IN YOURSELF: I believe I exist. Is that what you mean? :)

GET MOTION SICKNESS: No, aside from being a bit of a backseat driver, I'm the perfect traveling companion. I could sleep or read the entire trip anywhere.

THINK YOU'RE ATTRACTIVE: Some days I do and some days I don't.

THINK YOU'RE A HEALTH FREAK: haha. No. My idea of eating healthy is eating strawberries with whipped cream, and my idea of strenuous exercise is sex.

GET ALONG WITH YOUR PARENTS: My mother and stepfather, yes. My father, no way, no how.

LIKE THUNDERSTORMS: They're a little freaky. I have a problem with loud noises...see above.

PLAY AN INSTRUMENT: I used to be able to play a host of instruments including trumpet, clarinet, oboe, flute, drums, piano, etc. I don't play any of those anymore, except the piano, which I play when I'm stressed sometimes.

series six - in the past month, did/have you

DRANK ALCOHOL: Ha! I'm not even going to mention the incident surrounding Gina's birthday.

DONE A DRUG: Um, does Aleve count? And my prescription cramp medicine?

MADE OUT: who makes out anymore? Oh, wait, I do.

GO ON A DATE: I'm not entirely sure.

GO TO THE MALL: Yup. For a Cinnabon. Do I rule or what?

BEEN ON STAGE: I actually don't think so.

DESCRIBE YOUR DREAM WEDDING: Um, I just hope that important people show up, like the groom or the pastor. The rest is just details.

WHAT AGE DO YOU WANT TO DIE: What a morbid question! I have never thought about it.

WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP: I absolutely, positively, 100% refuse to grow up.


CURRENT CLOTHES: t-shirt, jeans, and a green and blue jacket. And socks. White ones.

CURRENT MOOD: I'm the epitome of confusion and frustration.

CURRENT TASTE: Coke and a caramel chunk brownie I bought at Starbucks.

CURRENT HAIR: in my face. Gah!

CURRENT ANNOYANCE: My couch is the most uncomfortable piece of furniture known to man.

CURRENT SMELL: my perfume, I guess. I'm just glad it's not natural gas anymore.

CURRENT THING YOU OUGHT TO BE DOING: sleeping, definitely.

CURRENT DESKTOP PICTURE: a picture of Matt, Casey, and me singing drunken karaoke at Becky's 22nd birthday.

CURRENT FAVORITE GROUPS: System of a Down (I'm in a weird place right now), Badly Drawn Boy, John Mayer

CURRENT BOOK: "Henry and June" - Anais Nin

CURRENT DVD/VHS: I just watched Memento tonight. My head hurts.

CURRENT WORRY: Money, money, money.

CURRENT CRUSH: I'd rather skip this one.

the past month, did/have you

BEEN DUMPED: no. Not even in the past year. Or millenium, even. Hard to get dumped when you don't date.

GONE SKATING: no, but I really should. Who wants to go skating next weekend?

MADE HOMEMADE COOKIES: Yup. Sugar cookies. They're still on top of my fridge if anyone wants any. When did I become so domestic?

BEEN IN LOVE: I've NEVER, I repeat, NEVER been in love.

GONE SKINNY DIPPING: I've never been skinny-dipping. Feel sorry for me.

DYED YOUR HAIR: yup. I'm addicted to changing my look.

STOLEN ANYTHING: just hearts. I'm such a cheeseball.

series seven - have you ever?

PLAYED A GAME THAT REQUIRED REMOVAL OF CLOTHING?: Yup. When I was 13 I played strip-twister. Don't even ask.

IF SO, WAS IT DONE IN MIXED COMPANY? Yup, with a 17 year old and an 18 year old. I rock.


BEEN CAUGHT "DOING SOMETHING": Doing what? One time a lady caught me having sex in a public restroom. That is my major claim to fame.

BEEN CALLED A TEASE: I think it's safe to say that one thing I am NOT is a tease.

GOTTEN BEATEN UP: skipping, again.

SHOPLIFTED: no, actually. I'm chicken shit.

IF SO, DID YOU GET CAUGHT: nope, nope, nope. no stealing for me.

CHANGED WHO YOU WERE TO FIT IN: I have a tendency to adopt different aspects of my personality to suit who I'm hanging out with, but I never change entirely.

series eight - the future

AGE YOU HOPE TO BE MARRIED: I just want it to be while I can still have good sex.

NUMBER AND NAMES OF CHILDREN: No more than 2, that's all I know. As far as names go, I think that's gonna depend on who the father is. I can't go around demanding to name my kid Tommy if I marry some guy with the last name of Schlamme. It's child abuse.

And that's all I have to say about that.


My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23