9:56 a.m.
So, I started this in a good mood, drifted into weirdness, and I think came crashing to an end with nonsense.

I was lying in bed last night, and just before I fell asleep I came to a startling conclusion:

I can hear everything that goes on in my neighbors' apartments.

My walls are freaking concrete. It almost makes me feel like I'm living in the Virgin Vault again, but I get my own bathroom. You're not supposed to hear everything perfectly. Last night I was exposed to one of my neighbors spalshing around in a bathtub, I could hear a tv perfectly through another wall, and I think the people upstairs were kertanging.

I've been particularly crazy and emotional this week, which I'm chalking up to the fact that the uterus was due to arrive sometime around Monday, and here it is Friday, and I've had PMS like a mother, but alas, no real arrival. This is why I haven't updated recently.

Well, that and the fact that I have little to nothing to talk about.

I'm very excited about the fact that I'm going to eat spaghetti at the house of the woman who used to cook for our sorority. Not only do I love this woman because she is the most kick-ass person alive, but I'm starved for female companionship right now.

Also, I really cannot stand the fact that I'm driving one of my closest friends to near insanity, but I need to say, for everyone's benefit, that I'm not some fragile piece of china. You don't have to coddle me, you don't have to handle me with kid gloves. So people, if you have something you need to say to me, say it. Nothing makes me feel worse than thinking that people are afraid of breaking my spirit.

*As if such a thing were possible. If a crazy, suicidal father and a mother who is convinced that you have every psychological disorder known to man aren't enough to do it, none of you are, either. So there. Nyah.*

You can't see this, but I'm sticking my tongue out right now.

I'm severely depressed that people in this city will not go watch the comedy porno with me. Nobody wants to go. What is wrong with you people??

It's a sad, sad day when anything takes precedence over bad acting and sex. Boo on you all!

Have a super weekend!


My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23