12:11 a.m.
Survey, schmurvey, part two!

Original thought is for pussies...


Ever been so drunk you blacked out:

- Yes. The night I got carried out of Jillian's. Cage-dancing isn't for everyone.

Missed school because it was raining:

- No, but I did miss class cause it was snowing.

Put a body part on fire for amusement:

- Jebus, who wrote this thing? An eight-year old boy?

Been hurt emotionally:

- Who hasn't? Of course I have.

Kept a secret from everyone:

- Unfortunately for him, my gay boyfriend knows every little thought that floats through my dirty mind.

Had an imaginary friend:

- No, but I had an imaginary brother. His name was Goofy. He lived in Florida. You do the math.

Cried during a Movie:

- My God, have you people SEEN Steel Magnolias? I submit that if this movie doesn't make you cry, you don't have tear ducts.

Had a crush on a teacher:

- Yes. Dear God, more times than I care to admit.

Ever thought an animated character was hot:

- Sorry, no.

Had a New Kids on the Block tape:

- A TAPE? You people are lightweights. I had the jacket, the sleeping bag, buttons, embarassing.

Cut your hair:

- Yes. It didn't turn out looking too sexy. My mother grounded me and hid the scissors. I think I was 17.


peed your pants:

- If by "peed your pants," you mean, "Accidentally pissed all over your jeans while trying to pee in a bush while there was a perfectly good restroom not more than 10 feet away, but every time you drink, you insist that you take off your pants, and..." no, I've never peed my pants. Why do you ask?

kissed someone:

- Depends on what you mean by "Kissed someone." Like, a, "thanks for the ride, I'll see you later" kiss? Today. A "Give me your love now before I defile you AND your entire family!" kiss? Yesterday.

hugged someone:

- Um, earlier today, maybe? I think it was a ploy to get someone's body against mine.

cried over someone:

- I honestly don't know the answer to that. I'm a hormonal mess. I cry over everything these days.



- Thermasilk right now. I'm sure it'll change soon.


- Bath and Body Works. Vanilla. Cause I'm a snob like that.


- To wear? Grey (gray?) or black. To see? Green.

Day or Night:

- Night. I just love it. Especially right as it gets dark. Mmmm....

Summer or winter:

- Fall. Sorry.

Lace or satin:

- Satin. I WISH I had some satin sheets.

Cartoon Characters:

- Spaceghost. 59275%.

Fave food:

- Crab rangoon. I cannot possibly eat enough of it.

Fave Ice cream:

- Graeter's Black Raspberry Chip. My god, people...

Fave Subject:

- Psychology. And sex. The psychology of sex? Also, I like sex.

normal Drink:

- Normal? As opposed to what? I guess I like Coke. A lot. And Mountain Dew. And sweet tea. No wonder I have kidney problems.

Fave Persons to talk to online:

- Casey, Matt, Kate, and Amanda. I guess that's it. If not, I'm sorry! I still love you!


clothes you're wearing now:

- An oversized grey (gray? I never know!) sweatshirt, blue jeans, some sort of braziere, some sort of underwear (sorry, Matt), white socks, my bowling shoes, six earrings, 4 rings, a watch, and a necklace. Also, makeup, perfume, deodorant...


- like I'm getting a cold very soon, which makes me a sad panda.


- Mark your calendars. I'm not eating anything.


- sweet tea. Hoo boy. Yes, I was brought up in the south. Kill me.

Thinking of:

- Sex, people! Duh. Try to stay focused.

Listening to:

- Something on the tv. I like to keep it on so it feels like there's someone here. I'm really, really cool.



- I don't think so. Go me!

worn a skirt:

- No way, Jose. Did someone die? Did I go on a job interview? No. Then why bother?

Drove a car:

- Hmm...I think so, maybe. I dunno. I have boys do all of my driving for me these days.



- I fucking hate this question. I'm not answering. La.

Santa Claus:

- Yes. Totally.

Tooth Fairy:

- I used to, until I caught my dad sneaking into my room one night to exchage the goods. Sorry if I'm crushing any fantasies here.


- Yes. All things happen for a reason.


- In a way. I'm not entirely sure of the answer, but I like to think that someone's watching over us, and getting a kick out of what we do.


- Yup.

Cody Webster:

- Homo say what?


Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend:

- I'm with Kate on this one.

Like anyone:

- I cannot exist without liking SOMEONE. I'm just not sure who right now.

Who's the loudest:

- Me, probably. Except in certain circumstances, which I will not go into in a public forum.

Who's the weirdest:

- Not me. Absolutely not. No matter what other people say.

Who do you go to for advice:

- Matt and Casey, above all. But also Amanda. Cause she's adorable and makes me giggle.

Who do you cry to:

I fucking HATE crying, but again, probably Matt and Casey. Well, they've seen me do it more than anyone else.

When did you cry the most:

- Honestly, when Matt came out to me. Terrible, isn't it? I'll tell you all about that story some other time. Reprinted with his permission, of course.

What's the best feeling in the world:

- Giving something to someone else. In any way you can imagine that.

Worst feeling:

- Disappointing someone.


My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23