3:25 p.m.
Good-bye, you uncomfortable old piece of crap!

I'm ready to get out of Lexington for the evening, for my first trip home since Christmas.

I can't quite remember what my parents look like.

Anyway. I am highly excited about this little trip, because...


When I get back here tomorrow, I will have, in my possession, a new couch!

Okay, not new. But new to me!

Actually, the interesting thing about this piece of furniture is that it's from Mom's "This is nice furniture and don't you dare eat or drink on this couch, and don't waller on it either!" boutique.

To this day, I couldn't tell you what "wallering" is. All I know is, the first time I come home drunk and pass out on this sofa, I'm going to hear my mother's voice in my head..."Don't you DARE lie on that furniture that way, young lady!"

Oh yeah? I'm wallerin' anyway!

In other news, I am so pitifully broke right now that even my paycheck has not brought my bank account into the positive numbers. Therefore, a trip to my local savings account is in order, and then I'm off to sell one of my kidneys.

It could happen.

I don't much care for automatic flushing toilets. Here's why.

When I went to pee yesterday, the damn thing flushed three times before I even had my pants unzipped. When I was all finished and ready to flush? Nothing.

Not even a little hip wiggle and the macarena could induce flushing.

Only 2 more days till the season premieres of Six Feet Under AND Queer As Folk. And I'll be on my new couch.



My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23