12:37 p.m.
What I did on my Tuesday Vacation

Sometimes I'll get a word stuck in my brain for no apparent reason. Today's word: megalomania.

Would someone please tell the weather gods to stop pouring drama on me if there's going to be a slight drizzle? Honestly.

Tuesday I was literally so exhausted that my body didn't know whether to sleep or cry. I did both. In class. During a video of some sort.

There will be no Beaux Art-ing for me this year, as I am not only flat broke, but also have no thoughts on costumes. A part of me was thinking of going as the Virgin Mary, but after more consideration, I've decided that God would, in fact, strike me dead. Also, I think the whole attire could be construed as some sort of war/anti-war statement.

I'd like to tell you all about my visit to Wright State University to interview for graduate school. So, without further ado, I present my day:

1. Wright State sent me ZERO directions. I peeked at to get a feel for where I was going. I shit you not, one of the directions was this - Take the Colonel Glen Hwy exit. Continue on Local Road... Local road??!! What the heezie? I often forget that the bastards at yahoomaps are the same people who sent me directly to Steak and Shake when I was trying to get to an arena to go to a concert. I'm pretty sure Green Day wasn't rocking out a hamburger joint.

2. While getting out of my car, a giant gust of wind flew up and knocked my folder into my face, scratching both my nose and my eye. I couldn't quite figure out why everyone was looking at me strangely until I realized that I was bleeding from the nose. I am the queen of first impressions.

3. I was requred to present a writing sample about a significant childhood memory I had. The only thing I could think of was the fact that I was once locked in a church for several hours. Not quite the riveting story I think they were looking for. So, I made something up. Go me.

4. The Group Interview. As most people know, I don't necessarily shine in group interviews, which is probably why I didn't get the job I applied for last summer for Summer Conference. I always find myself saying things I really don't need to talk about.

5. Example: Somehow I wound up telling the entire group that over the weekend, I was singing and dancing in a dj booth.

6. I didn't quite fit in with the people there. One of our tasks in the group interview was to look at a series of pictures, assign meaning to them, and rank order them. I think on a completely different wavelength than most people, I suppose, because when presented with a picture of a man in uniform holding a gun, everyone else saw safety and security.

7. I saw police brutality.

8. Finally, I realized, once the entire interview process was over and I had driven safely back to my apartment in Lexington, that I had applied to, and interviewed with...

9. A Catholic University.

Because I am just that on the ball.

Matt, I submit that we need to hold a reading of "Jesus Shaves" by David Sedaris on Easter.

And there you have it, folks. My week in a nutshell, aside from the story of my happy ass yesterday. My ass is no longer grinning today. I had to take off my cheeky pants.


My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23