11:28 p.m.
Go shorty. It's ya berfday.

Okay, so I'm back.

First of all, I have discovered that Fat James has a diary elsewhere. And he actually writes about things besides Spain.

I'm thinking it's because he's so obese that one diary site couldn't contain him. Dammit, you bastard, take some Dexatrim or something!

I finally got to see House of 1000 Corpses last night. I soooo wish I had stayed home to masturbate. It was the WORST movie ever made.

It put Wendigo to shame.

What made it even worse, however, was the crowd of 30-40 frat boys behind us, heckling at the movie screen and drinking beer out of glass bottles which were clanking loudly for the duration of this terrible piece of cinema.

(Personal to Schoonie - I still love you! Deep down, I'm still Greek, but these were some obnoxious-ass KAs. La).

In fact, the only slightly tolerable aspect of the movie was the fact that Arthur from Six Feet Under was one of the main characters. Hurrah.

Today, Casey and I headed to Cincinnati to visit a mosque with our Islamic Civilization class. That was such a surreal experience. I was the only female in attendance. This means that after we all had removed our shoes, I had to put on the traditional head covering, and watch the prayer service from the balcony with the other women. I don't want to say anything positive or negative about this experience, because I understand fully that this is their way of life, their religion, their beliefs, and it makes sense to them.

In short, it was just a new experience, unlike anything I've ever even seen firsthand, let alone been a part of.

Also, I rented some movies tonight. And if you were as cool as I am, you would be sitting in my apartment drinking alcohol, doing mushrooms, and watching videos.



My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23