6:12 p.m.
Rants. Pure, unadulterated, opinionated me.

The boys next door are drinking beer and playing Cornhole. In the rain.

Before tonight, I had absolutely no idea that there even was such a game as "cornhole," and I certainly don't want/need to know the rules.

I'm not generally one to rant about political issues in my diary. That's not to say that I'm not passionate about certain issues, but for the most part, I don't feel well-informed enough about things to go running my mouth every chance I get.

That said, however, I heard on the radio while driving home from the laundromat (although I did do laundry this afternoon without my laundry boyfriend I don't necessarily consider it cheating on him. More like masturbating. But I digress) that one of the men who was criticizing former President Clinton the most about his little affair, a republican fundraiser, was caught taking pictures of, and having sex with a 16-year old girl.

What's worse, is that he got away with it, too. Apparently the judge thought that the humiliation he's suffered from his peers is reason enough not to send him to jail.

And please, people, don't even get me started on how peeved I am with this Senator high-and-mighty Santorum. Let me just say this: as far as "sexual deviance" goes, as long as it doesn't involve animals or children, who gives a fuck what you do in the privacy of your own home (or in the back room of a club, but that's another matter)? As for his contention that homosexual acts, among others, are leading to the degredation of society and the breakdown of the "American Family," I say this:

Heterosexuals have been attempting marriage for years and fucking it up royally. Straight people can't make relationships work any better than anyone else, so why not just let someone else have a shot at it and see if they fare any better? Besides, you can't tell me that it's okay for two strangers to be married on national television for entertainment purposes, when you disallow two people who are really in love to have the same priveleges as straight people? Why should it matter if it's two women, two men, a man and a woman, or three men, two girls and a midget?

Also, is there even such a thing as the "American Family" anymore? Look at how many blended families, or biracial families exist today.

And this man wants to talk about "traditional sexual practices??!!" Can I see a show of hands from the people who are willing to bet that this man not only has had premarital sex, but probably has several mistresses at this moment?

I fucking HATE that kind of hypocritical small-mindedness.

Anyway. That's my rant of the month.

For some reason, a muscle in my tongue is spasming. Also, the boys next door are getting a bit rowdy, which is my cue to get the hell out of here.


My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23