1:45 a.m.
Don't you like the way I update with completely inane things to talk about?

I should most definitely be packing at this moment to leave on my excursion to Columbus; however, there is a Real World: Hawaii marathon on my tv.

Let me tell you about the cast from this season. First of all, there isn't a single person on the show I wouldn't sleep with.

At this point, there aren't many people anywhere I wouldn't sleep with. I'd consider myself slutty if I weren't too lazy to act on my instincts. Or, you know, if I did something besides sit in my apartment, or hang out in a smelly freshman dorm.

But anyway.

This was my favorite cast. Ever. EVER.

If anyone is still paying attention, I'm very, very sorry.

Circuit City has had my dvd player for almost a week now and they haven't even called to give me a diagnosis of the problem.

And I'm going to Columbus tomorrow.

It's very, very hot in here.

I'm repeating the words "very" and "really" a lot as of late.

I really, really am.

All of my friends seem to have reached some precipice of...something. And call it what you will, when I think about it, it all comes across as apathy. Everyone's going through some major change, or has just made some huge discovery, and none of us really care.

And I guess I see myself in there, too, just making mistakes left and right, not knowing how to quit, and not really caring, either. I haven't felt this insecure and frustrated in a very long time.

Okay, I don't know where I just went with that.

...and back to the loving place.

Also, I tried to pick a fight with several men in a car who seem to have mistaken me for some girl named Crystal, or something. And when I didn't respond, they called me a bitch and other various special names, and so I shouted, "FUCK YOU!" and flipped them off! It felt so good.

And they responded with, "You want a piece of this?"

And I said, "I am JUST in the mood! Bring it!"

And then the light changed and they drove off.

Not one of them had all of their teeth.

Go me.

Don't fuck with the fax master. I'm just saying.

I need to come up with a means of acquiring insurance very soon. Lately, I've been going blind in one eye, and for the second time this week, I was on the brink of a panic attack.

In the middle of Blockbuster, for fuck's sake.

And there's the whole dizziness thing.

But, no time for that now! Because, tomorrow, I go to Columbus!


My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23