12:00 a.m.
I knew a man, Bojangles, and he danced for you

My cat likes to sit on top of my head.

Also, he likes to poo, and then stick his poo-ey rear in my face. Gross!

He poops something like 6 times a day, which makes me convinced that he is in some way related to Casey.

He's also obsessed with looking in the mirror, which makes me convinced he's related to me.

I watched "American Wedding" this evening. I cried. I fucking cried. Not once, mind you.

Oh, no. Fucking twice.

It does not matter what I do, my boss will always hate me. Today, I was double-checking everyone else's work, and she yelled at me for getting in the way. I'm trying to be a part of the solution here, E-dogg.

I can call my boss E-dogg. That's totally professional.

I actually sat down with the guy above her yesterday and told him about her "little angels." She's convinced that James and Julie can do no wrong, even though I've caught them making huge mistakes almost every day this week. So I told him that these two people come in to work every day with hangovers. It had to be done.

It's true, and I hate being a tattle, and I love my buddies, but not more than my fiscal stability.

There is a very strange protocol when using a public restroom as a female. If possible, there must be one stall between you and any one else expunging waste. If you're pooing, you must wait until the other people in the bathroom leave before beginning or continuing. Also, you are required to use the stall furthest from the door if you will be taking a poo.

Being a woman is so weird sometimes.

I'd really like it if Mister Bojangles would stop climbing in my underwear when I pee.


My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23