3:26 p.m.
I make apple butter.

I know you're all going to revoke my card as either the world's best fag hag, or as a woman in general, but here's something you don't know about me.


My idea of a good time in the mall involves Gold Star Chili, and, if shopping must be done, I like to know exactly what I want before even going to the store. I'm in, I'm out, 20 minutes, tops.

So? the gay boyfriend wore me the fuck OUT.

Rest for the weary? Methinks I best. Also, my super awesome kitten thought it would be fun to walk around on my back ALL NIGHT LONG.

My cat, by the way, is very sick. I took him to the vet, and it turns out that he has worms, mites, and a respiratory infection. I'm sure glad that PetSmart took such great care of my pet.

Actually, I AM glad that he's actually getting adequate medical care now.

Yesterday was the last day of group therapy. The leaders had some feedback for me, which was, "Hi, you're an incredibly warm person, extremely empathic, you're going to be an incredible counselor, but you didn't talk enough about your problems."

I wanted to say, "maybe that's because I had to listen to stories about apple butter."

And we couldn't think of a good way to leave yesterday. It was about half an hour after group was supposed be over before we finally said good-bye. I was thinking I could just jump up and scream, "I'm bisexual! And not a single one of you took the time to find that out!"

Not that I didn't like my group members. I did. And maybe I needed to take some time to sit and listen to other people for a change, but I wasn't really in there for that.


I got my first syllabus on Monday. Go, me! I have almost reached that point where I actually FEEL like a grad student. I think that will hit me in full on my first day(s) of class, when there is no observance whatsoever of the sacred tradition in undergrad known as "syllabus day."

I need a nap. Hard core. I need a deep-sleep, wake up feeling confused, crash for three hours nap.

And an oragasm. The fun thing about owning a kitten is that there is simply no opportunity for a solo or partnered sex life. I may need to take my car out to some secluded spot and love the hell out of myself.


My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23