4:24 p.m.
My cat has mommy issues.

My kitten has left four giant, bleeding gashes in my leg from trying to sit in my lap while I type. This is why I cannot properly update at home.

This has been the most ridiculously fun and terrible weekends of my life. Friday night was spent boozing with Shelley, Will, James, Matt, and myself. All I know is that I came home at roughly 5 in the morning with the WORST stomachache known to man.

Saturday, I woke up to some pretty awful news, but I'll let Matt handle the details on this. While I can't admit to knowing exactly what he's feeling right now, the reason my parents ultimately split up was the same. And I hated my dad for a long time, and that's understandable. But, since I've had roughly 10 years to come to terms with what he did, I don't hate him anymore. I'm still trying to understand the man, and obviously when one parents does something terrible like that to the other, it affects so much of who you are, particularly how you react to other people. Anyway, Matt, I love you, and Jack is doing just fine. I even turned on the radio for him. And just this once, if he poops in the sink, I'll clean it up.

Unfortunately, I have not been able to process some news of my own, which is that my mother is, um, 4 months late. Of course, it's possible that she's going through menopause, although she doesn't have any of the other symptoms, and her doctors, husband, and I all think she's too young. Um, it's also possibly that she's pregnant. Could you imagine?

I wouldn't even know what to do with that. At least her kidneys are fine, for the time being. She had gone in for an ultrasound because she had some infection, which was when they discovered that something was amiss in the land of uterus.

I saw S.W.A.T. last night. I actually thought it was wonderful, although I could watch Colin Farrell star in a 98-hour documentary on cheese and think it was amazing. Hi, the boy is beautiful. What do you want from me?

I've been super-depressed for the past few weeks, to the point where I don't necessarily recognize myself. I've always been a little over-empathetic to everyone, but lately, I've been crying at the srop of everyone else's hat. Of course, I'm out of therapy and/or medication until school starts again, so for now I have to manage to keep it together while I'm at work, and I pretty much figure I can go to pieces anywhere else.

That is all for now. I must go wipe my kitten's ass.


My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23