12:35 a.m.
I have no more animal cookies


Guess what I've been doing for the past 3 1/2 hours?

No, not that.

I've been working on one stupid homework assignment. Not a paper. Nothing really important. It's worth, like, 5 points.

I'd really like to be in a program that doesn't consume 73495% of my time. Tomorrow? I have to be on campus for 12 hours.

Hi. Twelve.

Right. That's what I was thinking.

Matt and I went to dinner at Frisch's. We were safely the youngest people in the restaurant, aside from the grandchildren who were there with the elderly.

My food was disgusting. It smelled and it was ugly. I'm serious. Ugly food, people. And I didn't eat it all, and the woman insisted that I take it home with me. So she brought me a box.

Which I "accidentally" left on the table.

Which she brought to me while I was standing at the register.

Which I promptly set in front of the door as we were leaving.

Take that, woman with one tooth.

There was a birthday party at the table next to us.

I'll let that sink in.

We weren't at Chuck-E-Cheese.

We weren't at The Olive Garden.

We were at fucking Frisch's.

Hi, for my birthday, I'd like one streamer, and a big boy platter, please.

I've decided that the world would, in fact, NOT be a peaceful place if women were in charge. Okay, first of all, instead of the united nations, we'd have several "cliques" of countries.

Also, we'd say things like, "I wonder what that bitch from Spain meant when she said that?" and "Fuck the French! Diplomacy was MY idea and they fucking stole it!"

And we would be totally sweet in front of them.

And one week out of the month, we'd all be at war.

My cat places batteries in all of my shoes. And brings me tampons.

I've finally got my group together for one of my classes. It's me, my buddy Russell, who is 90000% gay, and Jordan, who is adorable, and everyone sweats his nutsack, and NOBODY knows if he's gay or straight. We're going out for drinks Friday. Go us.

I should REALLY get to bed now.


My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23