10:48 p.m.
Beck is my co-pilot.

Hi. My abdomen is screaming. Please bring me some narcotics and alka seltzer. Now.

I had the most amazing experience today in class. I finally am really starting to understand why I want to be a counselor, and I think I'm going to be damn good at it.

Let me tell you all a story. Yesterday, I was borderline exhausted. I haven't spent a lot of time socially with anyone lately, and I was really starting to lose my grip. In case you don't know this, I NEED to be around my friends once in a while. I can't be all work and no play. It didn't work for Jack, and it won't work for me. I digress. Yesterday, we were examining different psychological tests, and my group was chosen to look at the Beck Depression Inventory. Because everything about the test was so clearly laid out in the manual, we had no trouble understanding it, which excites me greatly.

As we were presenting the test to the class, writing valuable information on the chalkboard, I defiantly announced, "Beck is my co-pilot!" and proceeded to write it on the board under the "Important Points" section.

The good thing about being in a psychology program is that people are understanding if you go a little crazy once in a while.

It's always important, in a group therapy situation, particularly one in which you are going to attempt to foster better communication with your significant other, to be honest. This is why I lied about having one.

I could have an imaginary boyfriend. You don't know.

I am in love. Because I'm awesome like that.

This is the start of something good. Don't you agree? I haven't felt like this in so many moons - You know what I mean? And we can build through this destruction as we are standing on our feet - Gavin DeGraw.


My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23