9:28 p.m.
Gotta pee

I'm trying desperately NOT to kill my cat. I did laundry tonight. Do you know what I found?

Do you?

A tampon. And a battery. Mixed in with my clothes.


I am 10000% over Will and Grace. That show has become the complete opposite of funny and interesting.

Casey is at a strip club. Matt is at a Lambda meeting. I was suddenly overtaken with the desire to do some serious drinking tonight, but unlike some people I'm trying not to drink during the week.

All around me, people are getting married or engaged. And it seems like everyone in my class is involved in some committed relationship. I have never really felt out of place as a single girl before, and I suddenly feel very immature.

And alone. That's the biggest thing. I'm completely alone.

Oh yeah, that one girl, my psycho (and I'm somewhat convinced lesbian) stalker is not attached, to my knowledge. Hmm, thanks. She's about the homeliest person I've seen to date.

No, really. The toothless woman who works for Independent Study is more attractive, I swear.

She's also latched on to this other girl, Ali. And the only reason that's worth mentioning is that it pisses me off. Dammit, Ali's cute. And I saw her first.

I digress.

I have to pee. One more thing I'm going to go do ALONE. Alone, I tell you.

Also, people who are complaining about not having sex in the past three weeks? Ahem. Go die. It's been like 2 months or some other ridiculously inappropriate length of time. Two months. I'm going to get bats in my belfry, I swear it.

P.S. Ion, I tease. Because I love.


My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23