11:19 p.m.
My cat is gay.

My cat is gay.

My cat is GAY.

CeCe Blooms GAY.

He's been carrying around in his mouth, for the past hour, my bottle of extra strength Midol. He was super thoughtful, and put it in my shoe for me.

Wasn't that nice?

I've been thinking about something. Most of the people I know are in long-term relationships, and of those I know who aren't, the reason given is most often, "I don't have time for that now.." It really makes me think about things. It used to be that getting your high school diploma was a big deal. With the next generation, finishing college was huge. For my generation, you can't do shit unless you have a Master's Degree. Are we raising our children to be so focused on the future that we aren't fully appreciating the present? As far as I'm concerned, there will never be a "right" or "wrong" time to begin something. When it happens, it happens, and if I'm smack in the middle of defending my dissertation, or vacationing in Jamaica, I'll welcome it. I guess I just figure that if I wait until I'm ready, no one will be ready for me anymore.

Does that make sense?

Should I stop watching Sex and the City?

I love my triad. LOVE them. Jordan and Russell are two of my three best class buddies right now. We met at Russell's place last night and played with Zya Zya Diamonds Galore, Russell (and his parter, Barry)'s miniature schnauzer. That dog is gayer than gay. I mean, Zya Zya?

I digress. We had dinner, drank Woodchuck Cider (and because my super awesome pal Jordan drove me there, I drank an assload), and talked about sex. Hearing the perpectives of a straight man, a gay man, and a woman all intertwined is so interesting.

Of course, then, Russell got a phone call, and Jordan and I proceeded to look through their porn.

I had to do a lot of explaining to that boy. Have you ever tried to explain the concept of a butt plug, or a cock ring to a repressed straight boy who has slept with a grand total of one woman in his life?

One woman. My God. If I ever sleep with a girl, we'll be even. Hmm.

My cat is trying to bite my ass. He's gay, I tell you.


My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23