1:25 p.m.
Why is everyone just "a little unwell?" Some of you bastards ARE crazy.

K-Mart is now airing ads that are apparently attempting to empower women. I'd like to fully understand what the chain of stores which damn near singlehandledly perpetuates the stereotypes of white-trash, under-educated families all over the country has to say about empowering our women.

Also, they have employed a gospel choir to sing "Right Here, Right Now." My head hurts.

Something about spending time in the home improvement section of our local superstore always causes me to believe I have some sort of mechanical inclinations, and I desperately yearn, for the better part of an hour, to build myself some shelves.

Prancing through said home improvement section waving a tube of eyeliner like some sort of ceremonial baton garners absolutely no respect.

Oh. Also, I bought myself a space heater. Because, dammit, I want to be able to be warm, even if I have to get that way by sitting about 5 inches from some electrical device, most likely showering my skin with various toxins.

Evidently, a school in North Carolina has funded a study in which they learned that women who perform fellatio and swallow have a 40% less chance of develping breast cancer.

This is my new pick-up line, and it STILL isn't working. Some people are just selfish. Who DOESN'T want to help me reduce my risk of breast cancer? You people are mean.

I would like to never again hear the following songs on the radio, if someone could get on that:


"Love me when I'm gone"


Editor's note: Actually, anything sung by Matchbox Tweny. Those bastards get more air time than commercials.

"It's been awhile"

Editor's note, part two: I hate the word "awhile." It's A While. People who combine the two are just lazy.

"Big Yellow Taxi"

I think that should do it for a while.

See? A. While.

I had a dream that I went to a massive kegger at some church that Kyle was throwing, where I gave Tony Soprano a blow job, and he gave me crabs, and white-chocolate-covered frogs. Also, in the same dream, Matt and I had to share a bathroom, and I got stuck trying to conceal a gun in my boobs. Casey was desperately trying to find the girl with whom he'd been having really disgusting cyber-sex, in which they did not talk dirty to one another, but instead threw around legal terms. I'm not entirely sure how I knew any of this information.

I'm very hungry, and I just don't foresee myself putting on pants long enough to go to the grocery store today.


My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23