1:41 p.m.
Fuck the holidays.

My cat just dropped serious poo, and as a result, my apartment no longer smells of cinnamon and roses.

I keep having dreams about tornadoes. How weird is that?

Anyway, down to business.

Christmas with my parents was fun. Mom bought this suede outfit for me that I begged her not to purchase back in August since it's terribly expensive. Good to know that people listen to me sometimes.

I attended "Adult Prom" where I suffered through the world's worst dj. First of all, had I heard a single song from circa 1990 on, I might have been a little impressed, but "Rapper's Delight" just wasn't going to cut it for me. At least I got my fill of formal wear for the year. That makes me happy.

I think my tolerance is rising, since I had about 5 cocktails, and finally started to feel a little happy before we left. And then it wore off.

The following things are general information for all of you. Just in case you ever want to buy me something:

1. I LOATHE crap that sits around. I honestly hate it. Clutter feeds into my claustrophobia.

2. Just because I have a cat does not mean that I am officially a cat person. I don't wear cat socks or cat sweaters, and I don't want a cat calendar. Don't waste your money. Spend it on people less fortunate. Give the damn socks to Goodwill already.

3. Contrary to what appears to be popular belief, I don't have acne-prone skin. Nor do I have dry skin. Therefore, I do not need products made for those people. My skin is sensitive, and I get pimples only when people like you stress me out. Give me a break, people. This is one of the ew areas where my genetics were actually good to me.

4. People who insist that their unemployed boyfriends must attend our family functions even though they don't bring gifts for US (and yet we're expected to provide them with gifts) and eat all of our food should die. Not that I'm referring to anyone in particular, especially my sister Katie.

I'm definitely NOT talking about Katie.

I'm sorry I'm in a foul mood. My dad is a total shithead. Here's the lowdown:

- I had plans on Friday to be with my stepsisters in the evening, and then to go out with old high school buddies Tiff and Gina. Dad tells me on fucking THURSDAY that he wants me to go to my grandparents' on Friday. Not that they're even there. They're in the hospital, I think. Although I don't know which hospital. And I don't know what for, either.

I digress.

Oh! Also, he recruited me to take his dog to the groomer and to pick him up. I pull my ass out of bed at 9:00 (on my day off!) to get this damned dog, I drive to Dad's dog. None. No dog. I called the groomer, who said that he was already there, and that dad would be picking me up.

I returned home. There was no email to that effect. No message. Dad rules.

Anyway, since I am a woman of her word, I told my father very politely that I couldn't go on Friday, because I had already made other plans. When I got back to Lexington, I sent Dad an email saying that I was sorry I couldn't go, and that I hope he wasn't still disappointed (his word, not mine), and that I hoped he got the gift I got him, WHICH, by the way, was a very nice massaging seat cushioin which cost me quite a bit. Not that I'm bitter.

He hasn't responded about the gift.

Last night I received an email that said, "Being an adult requires you to make adult decisions. You made a very bad choice. The disappointment isn't in the past tense."

My response:

"Are you kidding me? Being an adult means that I can be relied on to keep my promises, and when I say I'm going to do something, I do it. I don't back out at the last possible second because I hear about plans the DAY before. I'm sorry that you and the rest of the family are disappointed in me, but I won't feel guilty about it. If you want to hold a grudge, that is YOUR childish behavior, not mine. I would hope that people 50+ years my senior could be adult enough to handle the fact that I have to do what I think is right. I guess that isn't the case, though."

I get the feeling I won't be hearing from my dad for a very long time.

Anyway, I'll be heading up to Michigan tomorrow for a few days to visit some friends. I'm very excited about this. New Year's Eve plans at long last!

Now, I have to pack.

Be good to each other, and take care of yourselves and I'll see you next year.


My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23