1:20 a.m.

At this moment, I should be doing a LOT of things. Every time I turn on the computer, I feel like someone is on my case for something.

Let me just share a piece of my life of list form so it makes more sense. Mind you, this all happened within about 24 hours...

1. I got a new client. Hooray. My client has just come out. Hooray again! My client's mother threw him out.
2. Boo.
3. So, I spent Wednesday night on the phone with him and his mother trying to resolve the situation. From my perspective, it was done.
4. Same time. Hotmail is sucking my ass, and I'm receiving about 70% of the emails people send.
5. I was supposed to give course evaluations to my students, as told to me by this magical email. That, imagine, I didn't get.
6. So I'm trying to resolve this problem by contacting all profs. For some reason, I didn't get one from one of them.
7. Then, she sends me another one, all pissed off that I didn't show up to the office hours she suggested in the previous message.
8. Mind you, this all happened BECAUSE my email isn't working!!!!!!
9. So, I apologize.
10. Meanwhile, I'm supposed to sit in on her class Thursday afternoon at 2:00.
11. At roughly 1:30, I get a phone call that my client is on his way to my office because he wants to hurt himself.
12. Now, I'm in the process of trying to either get a no-harm contract out of him, or get him to go to the ER. I'm not off the phone until about 3.
13. Now, I'm in deep shit with this same professor for NOT CALLING HER BEFOREHAND TO TELL HER I COULDN'T COME TO THE FUCKING CLASS!!!
14. Um, was I to grow another ear? Another brain, perhaps? I don't understand. And she's in psychology. What the fucking fuck is the problem here?
15. Am I the only one who doesn't understand why I got in trouble here?

I think that's everything. Whew. Poor Casey has to get up at the asscrack of dawn to proctor an exam for me because I can't be in the room when my students are doing evals (they've goign to do them while they take their final).

I am really, really close to dropping out of grad school and quitting this job. Seriously.

And? And, I have to report to the director of my clinic because Matt and I were both sick and exhausted after the Thanksgiving/wedding extravaganza and I accidentally slept through my presentation. I am so frustrated. I made a mistake. Hey, remember the time you left the damn country for 3 weeks and left a bunch of pre-master's students to run a clinic with no licensced psychologist to report to? Remember that??? Of course not.

Anyway, on a lighter note, Matt and I hosted a party on Friday night and I drank way, way waaaaaaaay too much. Let me show you a picture.

So, yes, I did accidentally fall into my shower curtain. And yes it fell off. But NOW, see, now, it's all fixed. And, in the whole process, I found something fun for myself to do this weekend. You know....with the help of the males in my life.

"The enemies are hard at work trying to find new ways of destroying our country. And so are we." - You go, mister Bush.


My apologies and a farewell??? - 2005-10-20
It should be Friday somewhere. - 2005-10-03
It's Friday again! - 2005-10-01
Amendment to previous entry... - 2005-09-26
Longer than I intended. It's to tide you over for another week. - 2005-09-23